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We are excited to share with you the latest insights from Google’s Search Relations team regarding the importance of high-quality content in search engine crawling. In a recent podcast, Google debunked myths surrounding crawl budgets and shed light on how content quality influences crawling frequency.


  1. No Fixed Crawl Budget: Contrary to popular belief, websites do not have a fixed crawl budget that they must adhere to. Google prioritizes crawling based on content quality rather than imposing arbitrary limits.
  2. Content Quality Matters: Googlebot’s crawling decisions are influenced by content quality and relevance. Websites that consistently deliver high-quality, user-centric content are crawled more frequently.
  3. Dynamic Crawling Decisions: Google adjusts crawling frequency based on search demand. Websites that demonstrate improved content quality receive increased crawling demand from Google.

Insights from Google:

During the podcast, Gary Illyes from Google’s Search Relations team explained how Googlebot prioritizes crawling. He emphasized the dynamic nature of crawling decisions, highlighting the importance of content quality and relevance.

According to Illyes, Google’s scheduler responds to signals from search indexing regarding the quality of content across various URLs. As content quality improves, Google adjusts crawling demand accordingly.

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Focus on Quality & User Experience:

Website owners are encouraged to focus on on-site quality and user experience to ensure efficient crawling and indexing of web pages. By consistently delivering valuable content that meets user needs, websites can enhance their visibility in search results.

In Summary:

Google’s insights dispel the myth of a fixed crawl budget and emphasize the importance of content quality in crawling decisions. By prioritizing quality, relevance, and user experience, website owners can ensure their pages are discovered, crawled, and indexed by Google.

We hope you find these insights valuable for optimizing your online presence and enhancing your search visibility.

For more information, you may reach out to us.